‘This Particular Entanglement’ – YouTube premiere on 13th February, 2022 13.02.202212.08.2022 Tommy Premiere of ‘Lovely Jubilee 2020’, read by Thomas “Riffmatch” Beavitt and interpreted by Valeria Kudrina & Anatoly Raskin Share:FacebookVkontakteTwitterLinkedInMoreTumblrPinterestTelegramWhatsAppSkype
‘The Law of Noncontradiction’ – YouTube premiere on 8th February, 2022 07.02.202212.08.2022 Tommy Premiere of ‘The Law of Noncontradiction’, read by Thomas “Riffmatch” Beavitt and interpreted by Anastasia Fayzulaeva Share:FacebookVkontakteTwitterLinkedInMoreTumblrPinterestTelegramWhatsAppSkype
‘Vitruvian Woman’ – YouTube premiere on 5th February, 2022 04.02.202212.08.2022 Tommy Premiere of ‘Vitruvian Woman’, read by Thomas “Riffmatch” Beavitt and interpreted by Darya Eltsova Share:FacebookVkontakteTwitterLinkedInMoreTumblrPinterestTelegramWhatsAppSkype