Rapper Thomas Riffmatch’s latest single takes the form of a love song from one entangled particle to another. His advice? Keep on moving into the light, don’t fall into a black hole and store some salt on dry shelves. Everything will be ok… at least, until the inevitable wave-function collapse. Orgasms are simulations… or not!

English vocal
Backing track (minusovka)
Lyric sheet
Since, at birth, we were not strangled And by chance became entangled, All that matters is our energy To realise possibility. In general, everything falls: States have borders, cells have walls; Confusion reigns, disorder increases – All must dance to fate’s caprices… But this is a particular case For our limited human race; And, although this quality is rare, I can be certain that you care Whether I’m up or down, left or right. Keep on journeying into the light – For you have too lovely a soul To let it fall into a black hole. You and I defy such gravity And don’t think it depravity To store some salt on dry shelves. Then, should we find ourselves At opposite ends of the universe, It’s a blessing, not a curse, To have limited interactions With irreconcilable factions, Being entangled in this world Into which we’ve both been hurled. And, although there may be others – Fathers, sons, brothers, Mothers, sisters, daughters – I can feel you in my waters… Though never stepping twice, The feeling's quite precise And absolutely real, This sensation that I feel… From your equal and opposite spin, I know exactly the state you’re in. This particular entanglement Can convert our angular Momentum into linear, Our paths becoming skinnier; With you, I’m eternally at home Somewhere in the glome. And this spooky action at a distance Can combine with the insistence That you’re mine and I’m yours; That, together, in what nature abhors, We’ll pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps Until the inevitable wave-function collapse.
©Lyrics written and performed by Thomas Riffmatch to a backing track composed by Nikita Nikitin, recorded and produced in Ekaterinburg by Andrey Bokovikov.